Minecraft Guide: How to Tame a Horse Easily

In Minecraft, horses are a popular companion for players due to their speed and ability to travel long distances. Taming a horse is a simple process that involves riding it until it is tamed. Unlike other animals in the game, horses do not require any specific food to be tamed. Once tamed, hearts will appear above the horse, indicating that it is now your companion. When riding a tamed horse, you can control its speed and direction by using a saddle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Taming a horse in Minecraft involves riding it until it is tamed.
  • Horses do not require any specific food to be tamed.
  • Once tamed, hearts will appear above the horse.
  • Control a tamed horse using a saddle.
  • Riding a tamed horse allows you to control its speed and direction.
image of a horse being tamed in minecraft
After you repeatedly “mount” the horse, it will become tame and you will see hearts rise up from it which indicates that it now trusts you.

Finding and Taming a Horse in Minecraft

In Minecraft, horses are valuable companions that can be found in specific biomes such as Plains and Savannas. These majestic creatures usually roam in small herds, making it easier to locate them. To embark on the exciting journey of taming a horse, follow the steps below:

  1. Locating the Horses: Head to the Plains or Savannas biomes to increase your chances of encountering horses. Keep an eye out for their distinct shapes and colors amidst the landscape.
  2. Approaching the Horse: Once you’ve located a horse, cautiously approach it until you are close enough to interact. You can then right-click on the horse to mount it.
  3. Persistence is Key: When you attempt to mount a wild horse, it may initially resist and try to buck you off. But don’t lose hope! Keep trying until the horse submits and allows you to ride it.
  4. Witness the Taming: As you persevere in your attempts to tame the horse, you’ll notice hearts appearing above it. This signifies that the horse is gradually warming up to you and becoming your loyal companion.

Remember, Minecraft horses don’t require any specific food to be tamed. With patience and perseverance, you can achieve harmonious companionship with these magnificent creatures.

“Taming a horse in Minecraft is a thrilling adventure that rewards patience and determination. The bond you create with your tamed steed will make your in-game travels more enjoyable and efficient.”

Controlling and Riding a Tamed Horse in Minecraft

Now that you’ve successfully tamed a horse in Minecraft, it’s time to learn how to control and ride it. The key to controlling a horse is equipping it with a saddle. To do this, open your inventory and transfer the saddle to the horse’s inventory slot. Once the saddle is equipped, you’ll have full control over the horse’s movement and direction.

Once the horse is saddled, simply right-click on it to mount and start riding. You can now explore the Minecraft world on the back of your faithful companion. Horses are versatile creatures and can navigate different terrains and obstacles with ease. They can even jump over high ledges, allowing you to traverse difficult terrain with grace.

Controlling your horse is easy and intuitive. Use the standard WASD keys to control its speed and direction. Pressing W will make the horse go forward, while pressing S will make it slow down or stop. To turn left or right, use the A and D keys respectively. Whether you’re galloping across open fields or exploring dense forests, your trusty steed will follow your every command.

It’s important to note that you cannot control a horse without a saddle. So, make sure to always have a saddle handy when riding a tamed horse in Minecraft. With your newfound equestrian skills, you’ll be able to embark on grand adventures and reach distant lands in no time.


How do I tame a horse in Minecraft?

To tame a horse in Minecraft, approach it and right-click on it to mount it. The horse may try to buck you off, but with persistence, you can tame it. Once tamed, hearts will appear above the horse, indicating it is now your companion.

Where can I find horses in Minecraft?

Horses can be found in certain biomes, such as Plains and Savannas. They are often found roaming in small herds. Explore these biomes to locate horses for taming.

Do horses need to be fed to be tamed in Minecraft?

No, horses in Minecraft do not require any specific food to be tamed. Unlike other animals, you only need to ride and persistently tame the horse to make it your companion.

How do I control a tamed horse in Minecraft?

Once you have tamed a horse, you can control it by equipping a saddle. Open your inventory, transfer the saddle to the horse’s inventory slot, and equip it. With the saddle equipped, simply right-click on the horse to ride it. The saddle allows you to control the horse’s speed and direction.

Can horses navigate different terrains and obstacles in Minecraft?

Yes, horses in Minecraft are capable of navigating various terrains and obstacles. They can help you traverse different biomes and jump over high ledges, making them valuable companions for traveling long distances.

Can I control a horse in Minecraft without a saddle?

No, you cannot control a horse in Minecraft without a saddle. The saddle is necessary to fully control the horse’s movement and direction. Make sure to equip a saddle onto a tamed horse to have complete control.

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